
Showing posts from April, 2021

Dialogue between two friends on illiteracy.

02. Dialogue between two friends on illiteracy. Ans. to the ques. no- I have two classmates named Fahim and Rimi. Once they made a dialogue on arsenic problem. Now I am writing below what they conversed then. A dialogue on illiteracy Hasan                     : Hello Rimi, how are you? Rimi                        : Fine and you? Hasan                     : I am also fine but I am thinking of the illiteracy of our country. Rimi                        : Yes, it is a great curse and hinders all our development. Hasan                     : I think that all of us should come forward to solve this problem. Rimi                        : Our girls are the worst sufferers from illiteracy. They should go to school and complete at least primary education. Hasan                     : Exactly, but what can we do for this? Rimi                        : We can try to teach the illiterate first. Hasan                     : It is a good idea. We also can make the guardians awa

Visit to Bangladesh National Museum

  Visit to Bangladesh National Museum A museum is a building where objects of historical, scientific or artistic interest are kept. It is a place where the things of aged old tradition are stored to display for the public. The official name of the museum of Bangladesh is Bangladesh National Museum. It is located on the South side of Bangabondhu Sheikh Muzib Medical University at Shahbag area in Dhaka. The present National Museum first came to light as Dhaka Museum. In the year 1913 Lord Kar Mikel, the then Governor of Bengal, inaugurated this museum in a room of Dhaka Medical College. In the year 1970, Pakistan government changed the format of Dhaka Museum Committee. They circulated the Dhaka Museum Board of Trustees Ordinance. They also made it a constitutional Institution. Afterwards, during 1983, the government of Bangladesh declared the museum as Bangladesh National Museum. It is one of the largest museums in South Asia. This museum preserves the symbols of all ages that Bangla

Drug addiction

  Drug addiction Drug addiction means the condition of being unable to stop taking illegal harmful substances that some people smoke or inject. Drugs like heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyle etc give exciting feelings to those who take these. But frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to certain death. Among the addicted people, the young generation is larger in number. There are mainly two reasons behind it. First one is young people are more curious. So, whatever they see harmful or useful, they are the first to taste. Again, frustration is another cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young, they become addicted to drugs. It has become a global problem. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas all over the world are directly or indirectly affected by it. Drugs have terrible effects on human body. It is a slow poison that damages the brain and all internal functions of the body leading ultimately to death. Again, drug