Noun and its Kinds

Parts of Speech Bs‡iwR Mªvgv‡ii GKwU ¸iyZ¡c~Y© welq| Parts of Speech Qvov Bs‡iwR wkLv Am¤¢e| ï× Bs‡iwR Rvbvi ‡¶‡Î Parts of Speech Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Acwinvh©|
Definition: ev‡K¨i AšÍM©Z cÖ‡Z¨KwU A_©‡evaK kã‡K Parts of Speech e‡j|
Parts of Speech are of eight kinds (Parts of Speech AvU cÖKvi)| h_v:
(a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Verb (d) Adjective (e) Adverb (f) Preposition
(g) Conjunction (g) Interjection
‡h kã Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb ev ¸‡Yi bvg eySvq Zv‡K Noun e‡j|
F ms‡e`bkxjZv (Sensibility) ev Abyf~wZi w`K †_‡K Noun cÖavbZ `yÕcÖKvi| h_v-
i) Concrete Noun                     ii) Abstract Noun
F Avevi, MYb‡hvM¨Zvi (Countability) w`K †_‡K Noun cÖavbZ `yÕcÖKvi| h_v-
i) Countable Noun                   ii) Uncountable Noun

ms‡e`bkxjZv w`K †_‡K Noun `yÕcÖKvi
MYb‡hvM¨Zvi  w`K †_‡K Noun cÖavbZ `yÕcÖKvi
Concrete Noun Pvi cÖKvi

5. Abstract Noun
(AviI GK cÖKvi)
Countable Noun wZb cÖKvi
Uncountable Noun `yB cÖKvi
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5. Abstract Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
Dc‡iv³ Av‡jvPbv †_‡K ejv hvq †h, Noun mvaviYZt cuvP cÖKvi| h_v-
1. Proper Noun (wbw`©ó bvg) – Dhaka, Kahnopa, Padma, Ittefaq, Bangladesh, Musfik
2. Common Noun (mvaviY bvg) – City, girl, river, newspaper, country, player
3. Collective Noun (mgwóevPK bvg) –Family, class, jury, army, library, crowd, flock
4. Material Noun (Dcv`vbevPK bvg) – Water, gold, soil, salt, air, milk, wood, rice
5. Abstract Noun (¸YevPK bvg) –Health, length, love, mercy, hatred, boyhood
 (a) Proper Noun: h kã Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi wbw`©ó bvg eySvq Zv‡K Proper Noun e‡j| ‡hgb: (a) Rahim is a good boy. (b) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
(b) Common Noun: ‡h kã Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi mvaviY bvg eySvq Zv‡K Common Noun e‡j) (a) He is a good boy. (b) His father is a doctor.
(c) Collective Noun: hv Øviv GKKfv‡e †Kvb wKQyi bv eywS‡q †Kvb wKQyi mgwóMZ bvg eySvq Zv‡K Collective Noun e‡j|wPbvi Dcvqt- wPbvi Rb¨ †Lqvj ivLv `iKvi †h Collective Noun nj K‡qKwU Noun Gi mgwó GUv Øviv GKv GKv KvD‡K eySv‡e bv eis mK‡ji mw¤§wjZ bvg eySv‡e| ‡hgb:
(a) I read in class seven. (b) I saw a flock of sheep in the field.
 (d) Material Noun: (`ªe¨ evPK we‡kl¨) †h mg¯Í wRwbm ¸bv hvq bv kyaygvÎ IRb Kiv hvq Zv‡K Material Noun e‡j|  ‡hgb: (a) Gold is a precious metal. (b)Water is liquid. (c) He is eating rice. (d) Sugar is sweet. (e) Milk is white.
(e) Abstract Noun: hv Øviv †`v‡li bvg, ¸‡bi bvg eySvq, Ae¯’vi bvg eySvq, hv aiv hvq bv, †Qvqv hvq bv,ïaygvÎ Abyfe Kiv hvq ZvnvB Abstract Noun. ‡hgb: (a) Kindness is a great virtue. (b) Honesty is the best policy. (c) Patience has its reward. (d) Unity is strength. (e) Friendship makes a man happy.
**hLb †Kvb k‡ãi †k‡l ship, acy, ance, ence, ity hood, age, ness, tion, sion, ment, ism, dom BZ¨vw` _vK‡e ZLb †m ¸wj Abstract Noun n‡e| †hgb: Advice, carefulness, wisdom, growth, accuracy, heroism.
A. Underline the nouns in the sentences below.
1. Oishi is eating a peach. (2 nouns)
2. Mahib flew a kite in the park. (3 nouns)
3. The clock was broken. (1 noun)
4. Salma corrected the test. (2 nouns)
5. Six dogs ran across the sidewalk. (2 nouns)
6. Michael is reading an exciting book about plants. (3 nouns)
7. Ovi painted a pretty picture. (2 nouns)
8. Shoshee played the guitar. (2 nouns)
9. Nusha answered the question correctly. (2 nouns)
10. Shanto dribbled the basketball. (2 nouns)
11. Kahnopa munched on cookies. (2 nouns)
12. Tanim drove her car to work. (3 nouns)

Ques: For each word or words below, indicate their noun type:

1.) Love _______________                             2.) Post Office ______________    
3.) Committee_______________                    4.) Telephone _______________   
5.) Theatre_______________                          6.) Team _______________
7.) Keyboard _______________                     8.) Hen _______________               
9.) Failure _______________                          10.) Book_______________           
11.) Curiosity _______________                    12.) Squad _______________
13.) California _______________                  14.) Glove_______________          
15.) Squid_______________                          16.) Trust _______________          
17.) Soyabean  _______________                 18.) Raju _______________


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