Present Tense (Kinds)

Present Tense
Simple:           Sub.+V1+Obj./Ext
Sub. Gici  Verb-Gi  Present form  wj‡L Present Simple MVb Kiv nq|
‡hgbt- I/We/You/They eat rice.
esvjv wµqvi iƒc:A, G(†), q, I, B BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
ðSub. hw` 3rd Person Singular nq Z‡e Verb-i †k‡l s ev  es †hvM Ki‡Z nq| ‡h me Verb-i †k‡l o, s, ss, sh, ch, x _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l es †hvM Ki‡Z nq|
‡hgbt- He goes/misses/brushes/catches/fixes.
ðVerb-i †k‡l yGes y-i c~‡e©  consonant _vK‡j y-i cwie‡Z© ies ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgbt- She tries.
ðG‡K Neg. Ki‡Z do/does not Avi Interrogative Ki‡Z do/does e¨en„Z nq|
ðGB Tense-G always, daily, often, occasionally, usually, regularly, sometimes, everyday _v‡K|
GB Tense Øviv mvaviY KvR, Af¨vm, wPišÍb mZ¨, ¯^fve mZ¨, ˆeÁvwbK mZ¨ eySvq|

Continuous:                   Sub.+am/is/are +V-ing+Obj./Ext

Be verb (am/is/are)-Gici g~j verb -Gi  mv‡_ ing †hvM K‡i Present Continuous MVb Kiv nq| A_©vr, Sub+am/is/are+g~j verb -Gi  mv‡_ ing+ obj/ext.
esvjv wµqvi iƒc: esvjv wµqvi †k‡l ‡ZwQ, ‡ZQ, ‡Z‡Q, ‡Z‡Qb (wQ, Q, ‡Q, ‡Qb)   BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
ð‡hgbt- I am buying a book. We are playing football. You are watching TV. He is catching fish.
ðGB Tense-G now, at present, at this moment BZ¨vw` _v‡K|

Perfect:                                    Sub.+have/has+V3+Obj./Ext
Have/has verb Gici g~j verb -Gi past participle/V3 K‡i Present Perfect MVb Kiv nq|
A_©vr, Sub+have/has+g~j verb p. participle + obj/ext.
esvjv wµqvi iƒc: esvjv wµqvi †k‡l BqvwQ, BqvQ, Bqv‡Q, Bqv‡Qb (qvwQ, qvQ, qv‡Q, qv‡Qb)   BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
ð‡hgbt- I/We/You/They have bought a book. He has caught  fish.
ðGB Tense-G just, just now, already, yet, lately, recently _v‡K|

Perfect Continuous:  Sub.+have/has+been+V-ing+Obj./Ext
Have/has Gici been Zvici g~j verb -Gi mv‡_ ing  †hvM K‡i Present Perfect Continuous MVb Kiv nq|
ðA_©vr, Sub+have/has+been + g~j verb mv‡_ ing  + obj/ext. + for/since +  mgqevPK kã
esvjv wµqvi iƒc: Present Continuous-i gZ| Z‡e G †¶‡Î mg‡qi D‡jL _v‡K| ð‡hgbt- I/We/You/They have been reading a book for two hours. He has been catching fish since morning.


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