Agreement of the verb with the Subject


Agreement of the verb with the Subject

First Person
Second Person
You/ Thou
Your, Yours/Thy
Your, Yours
Third Person
Their, Theirs

1.Sentence-G verb Aek¨B subject- Gi number Iperson Abyhvqx em‡e| ‡hgb-

a)      Subject hw` First Person, Singular Number nq, Z‡e Verb-GiI First Person, Singular Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb  I am a painter. I was a student. I write a letter. I have a book. I am a good painter. I am sick.

b)     Subject hw` First Person, Plural Number nq, Z‡e Verb -GiI First Person, Plural Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- We are painters. We are students. We sing a song. We have a book. We are good painters. We are sick.
c)       Subject hw` Second Person, Singular Number nq, Z‡e Verb-GiI Second Person, Singular Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- Thou art a painter. Thou wert a student. Thou write a letter. Thou hast a book. Thou art good painters.
d)     Subject hw` Second Person, Plural Number nq, Z‡e Verb-GiI Second Person, Plural Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- You are a painter. You were a student. You write a letter. You have a book. You are good painters. You are sad.
e)      Subject hw` Third Person, Singular Number nq, Z‡e Verb-GiI Third Person, Singular Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- He/She/It is a painter. He/She/It was a student. He/She/It writes a letter. He/She/It has a book. He/She/It is a good painter. He/She/It is sick.

f) Subject hw` Third Person, Plural Number nq, Z‡e Verb-GiI Third Person, Plural Number n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- They (Zitu & Ritu) are painters. They (Zitu & Ritu) were students. They (Zitu & Ritu) write a letter. They (Zitu & Ritu) have a book. They (Zitu & Ritu) are good painters. They (Zitu & Ritu) are sick.
2.And Øviv hy³ `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK Singular Subject mvaviYZ Plural Verb MªnY K‡i ; ‡hgb- Kajal and Sajal are my friends. Oil and water do not mix. She and her father have come to my house. wKb—y -
a)      And Øviv hy³ `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK Singular Noun hw` GKB e¨wK— ev e¯—y‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e Verb-wU Aek¨B Singular n‡e| ‡hgb- My friend, guide and benefactor has come. By the death of Moulana Bhasani a great patriot and statesman is lost to Bangladesh. The principal and chairman is present at the meeting.

b)     And Øviv hy³ `ywU Subject hw` GKwUgvÎ fve wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e Verb-wU Aek¨B Singular n‡e| ‡hgb- The horse and carriage is waiting at the door. Slow and steady wins the race. The long and short of the story is this. The hue and cry was raised at the dead of night. Bread and butter is my fabourite breakfast.
 Exception:     Incorrect: Time and tide waits for none. Correct: Time and tide wait for none.

c)      Singular Subject-Mywji c~‡e© hw` each, every ev no e‡m Z‡e Verb mvaviYZ Singular n‡q _v‡K; ‡hgb- Incorrect: Every boy and every girl know this answer.
01819 365064, 01911 123516Correct: Every boy and girl knows this answer.  Each day and each hour brings its duty. Every man, woman and child is to be educated. Each age and each society has its special problem. No friend and no relative cares for me.
3.      Or, nor, either …….or, neither ………. nor Øviv hy³ `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK Singular Subject G‡`i c‡i Singular Verb MªnY K‡i _v‡K ; ‡hgb- Jahir or Mahir has done the work. Either Shahed or Jahed is doing this work. Neither sorrow nor joy affects us.
a)      wfbè wfbè number-Gi Subject hw` Or, nor, either …….or, neither ………. nor Øviv hy³ nq Z‡e verb-wU Aek¨B Plural n‡e Ges Plural Subject-wU Verb-Gi me‡P‡q Kv‡Q em‡e; ‡hgb- Raju or his brothers have done this. Neither the teacher nor the students were present in the class. 
b)     wfbè wfbè Person-Gi Subject hw` Or,  nor, either …….or, neither ………. nor Øviv hy³ nq Z‡e verb-wU Aek¨B me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi Subject-wUi Person Abyhvqx em‡e; ‡hgb- Either you or I am wrong. Neither you nor he is sad. He or they are responsible for this.
4.      wfbè wfbè Number A_ev Person A_ev Dfq w`K w`‡q wfbè GKvwaK Subject ‘and’  Øviv hy³ n‡j verb-wU Aek¨B Plural n‡e| Subject-Mywji ‡Kvb GKwU First Person n‡j Verb-wU First Person-Gi Ges Zv‡`i ‡Kvb GKwU (First Person-Gi Abycw¯’wZ‡Z) Second person n‡j Verb-wU Second person-Gi n‡e; ‡hgb- He and I are ill. You and I have done our duty. My father and I have lived here five years. You and she have arrived. You and he are birds of the same feather.
5.      Kamrul HassanCollective Noun GKwU ALÛ mgwói A_©© cªªKvk Ki‡j Subject wn‡m‡e ‡mwU Singular Verb MªnYK‡i, wK›—y  mgwó‡K bv eywS‡q c…_K c…_Kfv‡e e¨wói (individual) A_© cªKvk Ki‡j ‡mwU Plural Verb MªnY K‡i; ‡hgb-The committee was unanimous in its decision.  The committee were unable to agree on this question. (Noun of Multitude)
6.      First Person, Second Person Ges Third Person hw` GKwU ev‡K¨ GKB mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq, Zvn‡j cª_‡g Second Person, c‡i Third Person Ges me‡k‡l First Person  (231) e‡m; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: I, you and he were present in the class.              Correct: You, he and I were present in the class.

wK›—y , ‡`vl ¯ŸxKvi eySv‡j cª_‡g First Person, c‡i Second Person Ges me‡k‡l Third Person  (123) e‡m; ‡hgb- I, you and he were responsible for this.
7.      a) i~‡c (form) ev †`L‡Z Plural wK›—y  A‡_© Singular Gi~c KZKMywj Noun Subject wn‡m‡e Singular Verb MªnYK‡i; ‡hgb-The news is true. Physics is a hard subject. (Mathematics, gallows, politics, whereabouts, small pox BZ¨vw`)

b) i~‡c (form) ev †`L‡Z Singular wK›—y  A‡_© Plural Gi~c KZKMywj Noun Subject wn‡m‡e Plural Verb MªnY K‡i; ‡hgb- The cattle are grazing in the field. The clergy (hvRKgÛjx) are happy. Aristocracy, nobility, poultry, people, folk, gentry (AwfRvZ †kªbx) etc.]
8.      a) KZKMywj Adjective article ‘The’ mn‡hv‡M Plural Common Noun-Gi A‡_© Subject wn‡m‡e G‡`i c‡i  Plural Verb MªnY K‡i; ‡hgb- The rich are not always happy.   The cautious are not always cowards. 
b) Avevi KZKMywj Adjective article ‘The’ mn‡hv‡M Singular Noun-Gi A‡_© Subject wn‡m‡e G‡`i c‡i Singular Verb MªnY K‡i; ‡hgb-  The future is unknown to us.
The yellow (=the yellow portion) of an egg is more nutritious than the white (= the white portion) of it.

9.      ‡Kvb eˉ—z, eB ev ‡`‡ki bvg Plural Noun-‡hv‡M MwVZ n‡jI Subject wn‡m‡e Zv Singular Verb MªnY K‡i; ‡hgb- Gulliver’s Travels is an interesting book.    The United States of America is a rich country.
10.  ‡Kvb Infinitives, Gerund, Verbal, Noun, Clause A_ev Phrase hw` Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ   nq Z‡e Verb-wU Third Person Singular n‡e; ‡hgb-To tell lies is a great sin. Telling lies is a great sin. Success at any cost is his aim. The normal function of the liver is to clean the body of its poison.
11.  ‡Kvb Plural noun hw` With, Together with, along with, in addition to, as well as cÖf„wZ Øviv ‡Kvb Singular Subject-Gi mv‡_ hy³ nq Z‡e Zv w`‡q Verb-Gi Number Øviv cÖfvweZ bv n‡q  Singular Subject-Gi Number Abyhvqx Zv wba©vwiZ n‡e ; ‡hgb- I, along with (or, together with) my parents, was present in the guardian meeting. She, together with her teachers, intends to visit us. Fahima, as well as her brothers deserves praise.
12.  And Gici no ev not _vK‡j verb-wU and-Gi c~e©eZx© subject Abyhvqx nq| ‡hgb- Incorrect: Rehan and not his friends were swimming in the pond. Correct: Rehan and not his friends was swimming in the pond.
13.  Singular Subject- Zvi Verb-Gi gvSLv‡b plural noun-G‡m covq verb-Gi number I person Avmj Subject Abyhvqx bv K‡i me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi plural noun -Gi Abyhvqx Kiv nq| Giƒc Kiv fyj| ‡hgb-
       Incorrect: Each of the boys are clever.     Neither of the men were very tall.
       Correct: Each of the boys is clever.          Neither of the men was very tall.
      Incorrect: The quality of the mangoes are not good.    One of my friends are sick.
       Correct: The quality of the mangoes is not good.         One of my friends is sick.

14.  a) Verb-Gi Subject hw` Relative Pronoun nq Z‡e Verb-Gi number I person Aek¨B Relative Pronoun-Gi antecedent- Gi number I person Abyhvqx n‡e; ‡hgb- I, who am your friend, will give you a gift. You, who are my friend, will inspire me for this. He, who is my friend, should help me. A country that has a large population will face economic problems.
b) hLb Relative Pronoun-Gi wfbœ person wewkó `ywU antecedent Av‡Q e‡j g‡b nq  (cÖK…Zc‡¶ GKwUB) ZLb Verb me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi antecedent-wUi person -Gi Abymib K‡i; ‡hgb- I am the man who helps the poor. He is the person who speaks ill of me.
15.        Subject I Complement wfbœ wfbœ number-Gi n‡j verb-wU Subject -Gi number Abyhvqx n‡e; ‡hgb- Our only guide was (were bq) the stars. Bangladesh’s great need is (are bq) houses at fair rents. wKš‘, He foolishly gave up what were good profits.
16.        Anticipatory ‘It’ ‡h †Kvb number I gender-Gi  noun ev pronoun cÖm‡½ e¨eüZ n‡jI GwUi verb me©`v singular n‡q _v‡K; ‡hgb- It was Alam (or, I or, we or, you or, he or, she or, they) that did this. It is these books that I want.
17.        GKB Subject-Gi `ywU Principal verb-Gi GKwU Auxiliary verb Øviv KvR Pj‡Z cv‡i, ‡hgb- I have lost a pencil but got (=have got) a pen. Some were awarded, and some punished (=were punished)
wKš‘, wfbœ wfbœ Subject-Gi Giƒc `ywU Principal verb-Gi `ywU Avjv`v Auxiliary verb-Gi cÖ‡qvRb; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: He has been enrolled, but your brother resigned.
Correct: He has been enrolled, but your brother has resigned.
Incorrect: I have retired, a new man appointed.    Correct: I have retired, a new man has been appointed.
18.        GKwU Principal verb -Gi `ywU wfbœ wfbœ Auxiliary verb _vK‡Z cv‡i; ‡hgb- I did not, and will not, go there. I never have, nor ever will, hurt any body.
   wKš‘, I never have, nor ever will go there. wKsev They have and will always, help me. – Giƒc Sentence Aï×|
   ï× iƒc n‡et I have never gone, nor will ever go there. Ges They have always helped me, and will always help me.
19.        01819 365064, 01911 123516‘More than one’ k㸔QwU Singular Subject wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ nq, †m Kvi‡Y G k㸔QwU Subject As‡k e¨eüZ n‡j †mB Subject Singular Verb MÖnY K‡i; ‡hgb- More than one boy was present there.
      wKš‘, ‘More than two’ Plural wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ nq; †m Kvi‡Y G k㸔QwU Subject As‡k e¨eüZ n‡j Plural Verb MÖnY K‡i; ‡hgb- More than two boys were present there.
20.        GKB ‰`N©¨, cwigvY ev ¯’vb eySv‡j  Subject †`L‡Z Singular n‡jI Plural Verb MÖnY K‡i; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: Forty miles are a long way.           Ten mounds are a heavy weight.
Correct: Forty miles is a long way.                 Ten mounds is a heavy weight.
wKš‘, msL¨v eySv‡j Verb Plural nq; ‡hgb-  Incorrect: Two thirds of the students is present today.
Correct: Two thirds of the students are present today.

21.        a) wbgœwjwLZ Noun-¸wj Plural Ges Gi c‡i Plural Verb e‡m; ‡hgb- Spectacles, scissors, tidings (msev`, m‡›`k), wages, thanks, assets (m¤úwË), alms (wf¶v), aborigines(Avw`evmx), amends(¶wZc~ib `vb), auspices(c„ô‡cvlKZv), billiards, bowels, measles, mums, trousers, shorts, pants, jaws(DcZ¨vKvi gyL), annals(el©wjwc), bellows, vitals proceeds (Acwinvh©), shears(KvuwP)| ‡hgb- Incorrect: The scissors is blunt.       His trousers is torn.    
                                                          Correct: The scissors are blunt.         His trousers are torn.
b) wKš‘ Dc‡iv³ Noun-¸wji c~‡e© wbw`©ó msL¨vevPK we†klY (Definite Numeral Adjective) †hgb- Pair, brace, gross, dozen, hundred, thousand, score, fathom BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Verb Singular nq; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: One dozen of bananas are sufficient.     A pair of shoes are on the table.
Correct: One dozen of bananas is sufficient.           A pair of shoes is on the table.

22.         Introductory ‘There’ Zvi cieZ©x Number I Person Abyhvqx Verb MÖnY K‡i _v‡K;
         ‡hgb- Incorrect: There are a bird in the nest.  Correct: There is a bird in the nest.                                          One of the Gi c‡i Verb Singular nq; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: One of the boys have done the work.    Correct: One of the boys has done the work.
23.        Many a/ Many an Gi c‡i Verb Singular nq; ‡hgb-
Incorrect: Many a boys have done the work.        Correct: Many a boy has done the work.

F Define verb. Describe verbs in details.
   Ans. To do something is called a verb. Like:- He drives a car.
Finite Verb &  Non-finite Verb

Finite Verb: The verb that fulfils the meaning of a sentence and changes its form according to the number and person of Nominative is called Finite Verb. (‡h verb Øviv Sentence-Gi e³e¨ †kl nq Ges Nominative-Gi number I person Abyhvqx iƒc wbYx©Z nq Zv‡K Finite Verb e‡j|)  Like-  a) He eats rice.       b) I like music.
                 c) He ran in the field yesterday. d) They are watching game.
Non-finite Verb: The verb that does not fulfil the meaning of a sentence and does not change its form according to the number and person of Nominative is called Non-finite Verb. (‡h verb Øviv Sentence-Gi e³e¨ †kl nq bv Ges Nominative-Gi number I person Abyhvqx iƒc wbYx©Z nq bv Zv‡K Non-finite Verb e‡j|)  Like-
a) She wants to learn music. b) The book is not interesting to read. c) He came to see me.  d) He had learnt the lesson to pass the exam.

Principal Verb & Auxiliary Verb

Principal Verb: The verb that has a meaning of its own and does not depend on other verbs for meaning is called a Principal Verb. (‡h verb -Gi wbR¯^ A_© _v‡K Ges A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Ab¨ verb -Gi Dci depend Ki‡Z nq bv Zv‡K Principal Verb e‡j|)  Like- They did the work. She cultivated the land.  Fahima picked the mango. Rabu waited for me.
Auxiliary Verb: The verb that has no meaning of its own and helps to frame different Sentences or Tenses, Voice and Mood is called Auxiliary Verb. (‡h verb -Gi wbR¯^ A_© ‡bB Ges wewfbœ cÖKvi Sentence or Tense, Voice Ges Mood MV‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv‡K Verb e‡j|)  Like- He is drawing a picture. The boy has done a nice job. The thief has taken away my watch last night.
Primary Auxiliaries
Modal Auxiliaries
Be: be, am, is are, was, were, been, being.
can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, need, dare, used (to), ought (to)
Have: have, has, had
Do: do, does, did

N.B.:-The Primary Auxiliaries can also be used as Principal Verb. Like- He is a boy. These are sheep.
The Auxiliary verb is to help the Principal Verb only. *(There is no sentence without principal verb)
Transitive Verb & Intransitive Verb
Transitive Verb: The verb which has an object is called a Transitive Verb.
Intransitive Verb: The verb which has no object is called an Intransitive Verb.
Transitive Verb
Intransitive Verb
They draw a picture. We saw a peacock in the zoo. He killed a tiger. The farmer grows paddy.
He runs in the sun. They slept on the floor. He sat on the chair. The sun shines in the sky.
Kamrul Hassan
Intransitive Verbs of Incomplete predication or Copulative Verbs
‡h Intransitive Verb Sentence-Gi A_© m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ evowZ kã ev kã mgwó MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Intransitive Verbs of Incomplete predication or Copulative or Copula Verb e‡j| A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ ‡h evowZ kã ev kã mgwó `iKvi Zv‡K Intransitive Verb-Gi Complement e‡j| †hgb: - Rasel is a student. Araf became a doctor. That pen is mine. The baby lies sleeping. The man seems to be tired. They look happy. Shila appears pleased.
Complement-wU hw` Noun ev Pronoun nq Z‡e Zv‡K Complementary Nominative (GLv‡b student,  doctor, mine)  e‡j Ges Adjective n‡j Zv‡K Subjective Complement (sleeping, tired, happy, pleased) ejv nq| (GLv‡b is, became, seems, look, appears n‡jv Copulative Verbs; KviY A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ D³ Intransitive Verbs evowZ kã ev kã mgwó MÖnY K‡i)  

Transitive Verbs of Incomplete predication or Factative Verbs
‡h Transitive Verb Sentence-Gi A_© m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ evowZ kã ev kã mgwó MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Transitive Verbs of Incomplete predication e‡j| A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ †h evowZ kã ev kã mgwó `iKvi Zv‡K Transitive Verb-Gi Complement e‡j| †hgb: - (We elected him…...) We elected him captain.  He calls me dada. I found him tired.  Complement-wU hw` Noun (captain, dada)  nq Z‡e Zv‡K Complementary object e‡j Ges Adjective (tired)  n‡j Zv‡K Objective Complement ejv nq| (elect, select, make, chose, call, name, think, nominate, appoint, take, find, see, n‡jv Factative Verbs; KviY A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ D³ Transitive Verbs evowZ kã ev kã mgwó MÖnY K‡i)  
Active Voice
Passive Voice
They told me a liar.     I thought him a fool.
I was told a liar by them.   He was thought a fool by me.
** Active Voice-Gi Sentence-G hv Complementary Object; Passive Voice-Gi Sentence-G Zv-B  Complementary Nominative;
 ** Active Voice-Gi Sentence-G hv Objective Complement; Passive Voice-Gi Sentence-G Zv-B  Complementary Nominative;

Causative Verb

‡Kvb Verb-Gi Subject hw` wb‡R mivmwi ‡Kvb KvR bv K‡i Aci‡K w`‡q †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ Kivq ZLb Zv‡K Causative Verbs ejv nq| G‡¶‡Î A‡bK Intransitive Verbs ²†Kvb wKQz Kiv‡bv nq" GB A‡_© Transitive Verbs wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Gfv‡e e¨eüZ Verb-‡K Causative Verb ejv nq|
Intransitive Verb
Causative Verb
Birds fly in the sky. Water boils. I walk slowly. He fell on the floor. Rice grows well in Bangladesh.
He flies a kite. Mother boils water. She walks the baby. A storm fell the tree. The farmer grows rice.         

*** mvaviYZ ‘en’ †hvM K‡i Causative Verb MVb Ki‡Z nq| †hgb :- Blacken, Redden, Heighten, Lighten etc.
wKQz wKQz  Causative Verb Zvi Non-causative iƒc †_‡K wfbœiƒ‡ci n‡q _v‡K, †hgb :-

Causative Verb
Causative Verb
Eat (LvIqv)
Learn (‡kLv)
Know (Rvbv)
Dive (Wye †`qv)
Fall (c‡o hvIqv)
Feed (LvIqvb)
Teach †kLvb)
Inform (Rvbvb)
Dip (Wyevb)
Fell (‡d‡j †`Iqv)
See (‡`Lv)
Suck (¯—b¨ cvb Kiv)
Remember (¯§iY Kiv)
Lie (ï‡q _vKv/cov)
Show (†`Lvb)
Raise (DVvb)
Suckle(¯—b¨ cvb Kivb)
Remind (¯§iY K‡i †`Iqv)
Lay (ï‡q ivLv)
** make, have, get cÖf„wZ Verb †hv‡M A‡bK Verb -‡K Causative Verb -G cwiYZ Kiv hvq|
N.B. make, have -Gi c‡i Infinitive -Gi wPý ‘to’ Dn¨ _v‡K| †hgb :- i) I make him (to) do the work.  
ii) I will have you (to) believe the story. Iii) My father got me to learn the lesson.

Impersonal Verbs
‡h Verb-Gi wbw`©ó †Kvb Subject _v‡K bv Ges It hLb GB iKg Verb -Gi Subject nq ZLb H ai‡bi Verb-‡K Impersonal Verbs e‡j| †hgb :- It rains. It dews. It snows in winter. It hails. It blows. It seems unwise to do so.

Cognate Verbs
hLb †Kvb Intransitive Verb mgRvZxq Object MÖnY K‡i Transitive iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K Cognate Verb e‡j| †hgb :-
1.   The baby slept a sound sleep.(iƒ‡c I A‡_© Cognate)
2.   Ritu sings a sweet song. (iƒ‡c I A‡_© Cognate)
3.   The soldiers fought in the battle.(A‡_© Cognate, iƒ‡c bq)
4.   He went a long way. .( A‡_© Cognate, iƒ‡c bq)
5.   He struck a mighty blow. .( A‡_© Cognate, iƒ‡c bq)
6.   They shouted applause. (a shout of applause)
7.   He ran a great risk. ( a course of great risk) (GLv‡b (6,7) Cognate Object-wU‡K GKwU Noun Øviv cÖKvk|)
1. He did his last (doing).
2. He breathed his last (breath).
Adjective-Gi c‡i Cognate Object (1,2) ‘doing’ I ‘breath’ Dn¨
3. We must fight it (dispute) out.
4. They lorded it (the part of the lord) over us. (Cognate Object-wU It Øviv cÖKvwkZ)

Reciprocal Verbs
‡h Transitive Verb sentence-Gi Subject Ges Object-Gi g‡a¨ cvi¯úwiK wµqv cÖwZwµqvi A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Reciprocal Verb e‡j| †hgb :- They help each other. We love each other. N.B.:- hate, love, quarrel, strike, fight BZ¨vw` Reciprocal Verb.
Reflexive Verbs
01819 365064, 01911 123516Transitive Verb-Gi Subject Ges Object-hLb GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K ZLb Zv‡K Reflexive Verb e‡j| †hgb :- She killed herself. I gave myself much trouble. Don’t praise yourself so much. The rat hid itself into a hole.
KLbI KLbI Reflexive Verb-Gi Object-wU Dn¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i| †hgb :- She kept (herself) away from the bad girls. We feed (ourselves) on rice.
N.B.:-kill, throw, hurt, absent, avail, conduct, fan, pride, enjoy BZ¨vw` Reflexive Verb wn‡m‡e e¨en„Z nq|
Prepositional or Group Verbs

‡h Verb-Gi c‡i Preposition ev Adverb hy³ GKwU ALÛ A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Prepositional or Group Verb e‡j| †hgb :- The cow lives on grass. He laughed at me.
With, over -BZ¨vw` Preposition Avevi Verb-Gi c~‡e©I †hvM n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb :- We have overcome (AwZµg Kiv) the difficulty. He has withstood (cÖwZ‡iva Kiv) the attack.
Intransitive Verb-Gi mv‡_ Gfv‡e Preposition ev Adverb hy³ n‡j †m¸‡jv Transitive Verb-Gi KvR K‡i| †hgb :-
Intransitive Verb
Prepositional Transitive 
How did you come by (get) the watch?
Please look over (examine) these papers.
He has gone through the story.
We run after the money.
The bus overtook our car.

Taher put on his coat.
The chief guest has given away the prizes.
My aunt brought up Raju.
Turn out these naughty boys.
Taher put his coat on.
The chief guest has given the prizes away.
My aunt brought Raju up.
Turn these naughty boys out.
Here is your coat.
The girl is an orphan.
The prizes are on the table.
Te naughty boys are making noise.
Put it on, please. ( not, put on it)
Her aunt brought her up. ( not, brought up her)
The chief guest will give them away. ( not, will give away them)
Note : Transitive Group Verb-Gi object-wU Noun n‡j †mwU Preposition ev Adverb-Gi Av‡M ev c‡i †h †Kvb Ae¯’vb MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i (Column-A), wKš‘ object-wU Personal Pronoun n‡j †mwU Aek¨B Preposition ev Adverb-Gi Av‡M Ae¯’vb MÖnY Ki‡e(Column-B).
Defective Verbs
‡h mKj Verb wbqwgZ Verb-Gi gZ Tense, Mood, I Voice Zv‡`i iƒc cwiewZ©Z nq bv (†hgb- ‘eat’ verb-Gi wewfbœ iƒc-eat, eats (present tense), ate (past tense), eaten (past participle), eating (present participle), to eat (infinitive) Zv‡`i‡K Defective Verb e‡j| G Verb ¸wj nj- Shall, will, can, may, must, ought, need, dare. 
Verb ‘to do’ hLb Sentence-G c~e©Mvgx Verb †Kvb -Gi (Verb ‘to be’ Qvov) cyYive„wË Gov‡bvo Rb¨ †mwUi cwie‡Z© †h ‘do’ Verb e¨eüZ nq Zv‡K Pro-Verb e‡j| †hgb :- Roby Played football and so did his brother. She sings better than you do (=sing).

Inchoative Verbs

†h Verb ‡Kvb Ae¯’vi cwieZ©‡bi m~Pbv, Zvi weKvk ev Zvi P~ovš— cwiYwZi A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Inchoative Verbs (Avi¤¢m~PK wµqv) e‡j| G Verb ¸wj nj- Get, become, grow, come, go, turn, fall, run I wear.
G Verb ¸wji c‡i Sentence -Gi Predicate As‡k †Kvb adjective, noun, prepositional, phrase ev to Infinitive MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i| †hgb :- The man grew pale. (adj.) He became captain of our team. (noun) He is getting to like it now. (infinitive) The boy has come of age. (prepositional phrase). A‡bK †¶‡Î G Verb ¸wji GKwU‡K Ab¨wUi weKí wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv hvq| †hgb :- When it grew (or, got or, fell or, become) dark, we all came back to the cabin. wKš‘ me †¶‡Î bq;    †hgb :- His dream has come true. A_ev The baby soon fall asleep.-G †¶‡Î Ab¨ †Kvb Verb e¨envi Kiv hv‡e bv|  

Sub. + Verb(Inchoative)
Sub. + Verb(Inchoative)
Infinitive/Prepositional Phrase
We are (all) getting
He soon got
to know her.
Our work is becoming
more interesting.
They got
to blows.
The air has grown
He is growing
to be more obedient.
Everything will come
She came
to believe his story.
The telephone has gone
He went
off his head.
The milk has turned The
The snow (soon) turned
to rain.
General will (never) turn
The hungry man fell
to eating.
The well has run

The post has fallen

The stone-steps have worn

01819 365064, 01911 12351601819 365064, 01911 12351601819 365064, 01911 12351601819 365064, 01911 123516Verbs of Perception

†h Verb-¸wj Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ AbyfywZi aviYv †`q Zv‡K Verbs of Perception e‡j| †hgb :- I saw the thief running away. I heard your voice. We smell the scent of the flower. The mango tastes sour. I feel cold. I have noticed the bill. We observe the Victory Day. He recognised me at first sight. ** ¯^vfvweK A‡_© G Verb -¸wji Continuous Tense nq bv|
Non-Conclusive Verbs
cQ›`, AcQ›`, Rvbv, ARvbv I Dcjwä Ggb GK GKwU gvbwmK cÖwµqv hv B”QvgvwdK ïi“ I mgvß Kiv hvq bv| G mgvwßwenxb cÖwµqv (cQ›`, AcQ›`, Rvbv, ARvbv I Dcjwä) cÖKvk Ki‡Z †h Verb e¨envi Kiv nq Zv‡K Non-Conclusive (Amgvwß ÁvcK) Verb e‡j|
Verbs of Perception-Gi gZ G Verb wfbœ A_© Qvov G‡`i wbqwgZ A‡_© Continuous Tense -G e¨envi nq bv| G †kªYxi wZb cÖKvi| h_v :- i) KZK¸wj gvbwmK Ae¯’v I cÖwµqv eySvq; †hgb-Agree, believe, differ, doubt, find, forget, imagine, know, mean, notice, recall, recognise, recollect, remember, suppose, think, trust, understand etc.
ii) KZK¸wj gvbwmK Av‡eM I Abyf~wZ eySvq; †hgb - Desire, detest, feel, forgive, hate, hope, (dis)like, love, mind, (dis)please, prefer, want, wish etc.
iii) wewea; †hgb- Appear, seem, belong (to), consist, depend, deserve, equal, find, matter, possess, resemble, result, suffice.
Types of Nominative Case
Nominative of Address or Vocative case: hLb Sentence-Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb noun ev pronoun-‡K m‡¤^vab K‡i WvK w`‡q wKQz ejv nq ZLb H noun ev pronoun -Gi ‡h Nominative Case nq Zv‡K Nominative of Address or Vocative Case e‡j| †hgb - Rinu, where do you sing a song?  Rasel, listen to me.
Nominative Absolute: hLb †Kvb noun ev pronoun -Gi c‡i present participle ev perfect participle e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K H noun ev pronoun-Gi Nominative Absolute e‡j| †hgb -  The sun having set, we went home. He being an honest man, we respect him.
Complementary Nominative: hLb †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun, Sentence-Gi Nominative ev Subject m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ wKQz e‡j ZLb Zv‡K Complementary Nominative e‡j| †hgb -  He is a student. (student - Complementary Nominative)

Objective Case
Direct Object: ‡h Object w`‡q e¯‘‡K eySvq Zv‡K Direct Object e‡j| G‡K Accusative Case e‡j|  †hgb-  He draws a picture.
Indirect Object: ‡h Object w`‡q e¨w³‡K eySvq Zv‡K Indirect Object e‡j| G‡K Dative Case e‡j|  †hgb-  He likes me.
Factitive Object: A_© m¤ú~b© Kivi Rb¨ Transitive Verbs ‡h evowZ kã ev kã mgwó MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Factitive Object e‡j|  †hgb- We made him captain.    
Cognate Object: Intransitive Verb ‡h mgRvZxq Object MÖnY K‡i Transitive iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq Zv‡K Cognate Object e‡j| †hgb-  The baby slept a sound sleep.
Note: GKB Sentence-G Direct I Indirect Object _vK‡j Indirect Object cÖ_‡g e‡m Ges c‡i Direct Object e‡m| wKš‘ Indirect Object cÖ_‡g emv‡j Zvi c~‡e© preposition ‘to’ ev ‘for’emv‡Z nq| †hgb -   Father bought me a  shirt. Father bought a shirt for me. He gave me a flower. He gave a flower to me.
Possessive Case
‡h Noun ev Pronoun Aci †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i m‡½ Dnvi m¤^Ü cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Possessive Case e‡j| †hgb- I love my country. She went to Rabiba’s house. 
Noun-Gi ‡¶‡Î of +Noun+ ’s   = Double Possessive
    A pen of Rahim’s brother.         The ring of my mother. The car of Rehan’s uncle.



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