A liar shepherd / Punishment for lying / Nobody believes a liar

Punishment for lying (A liar shepherd)

Once there lived a shepherd-‡glcvjK (cowboy) in a village. He was wicked to the backbone. He was fond befooling people. He was good at acting and that make people fall into his trick. He used to take his cattle to a pasture-Z…Y/PviYf‚wg near a forest. When the cattle would graze in the field, he used to pass his time by playing different game with the boys of his village. As the boy was very naughty, no boy would want to play with him. One day finding no play mate (mnKgx©) in the field, he wanted to play a trick with the farmers who were working in the field. He went into the forest nearby and started shouting, “Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” The farmers became alert. They collected big sticks and ran into the forest to save the shepherd. But the boy laughed at the farmers for their foolishness (‡evKvwg). The next day he did the same act and the farmers were befooled. The other day when the boy entered into the forest, he saw a wolf approaching (wbKUeZ©x nIqv) towards him. This time he shouted for help but no one came to be foolish. The wolf attacked the boy and killed him. Thus a liar was punished for his lying.
Once there lived a shepherd- ‡glcvjK (cowboy) in a village. He was wicked to the backbone. He was fond befooling people. He used to take his cattle to a pasture-Z…Y/PviYf‚wg near a forest.One day he wanted to play a trick with the farmers who were working in the field. He went into the forest nearby and started shouting, “Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” The farmers ran into the forest to save the shepherd. But the boy laughed at the farmers for their foolishness (‡evKvwg). The next day he did the same act. The other day when the boy entered into the forest, he saw a wolf approaching (wbKUeZ©x nIqv) towards him. This time he shouted for help but no one came to be foolish. The wolf attacked the boy and killed him. Thus a liar was punished for his lying.


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