Application for Sinking a Deep Tube-Well

Application for Sinking a Deep Tube-Well
22 March, 2020
The Upazila Chairman
Companigonj Upazila Parishad
Companigonj, Noakhali

Subject: application for sinking a deep tube-well.

Dear Sir,

We are the inhabitants/people of Ward No 3 of Basurhat Pourasova in Companigonj Upazila. We have the honour to state that there is an acute scarcity of pure drinking water in this ward. Almost all the tube-wells in our locality are contaminated with arsenic. Due to lack of an arsenic-free deep tube-well, people are using contaminated water and frequently getting sick. Already a number of patients with arsenic have been detected in this area. So, we are badly in need of an arsenic-free deep tube-well in our ward.
Under the above circumstances, we would like to request you to sanction a deep tube-well in our village and thereby save many precious lives.

Yours truly,
On behalf of the inhabitants of Ward No 3
of Basurhat Pourasova in Companigonj Upazila.


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