Transformation of Sentences (Uncommon)/Answer

Answers of the Transformations

1. I would die sooner than injure you.

2. He is not more intimate to you than to me.

3. Misery is greater than any other mystery.

4.  He is not less competent than any other man.

5. Great misery is in store for me.

6.  It is very charming.

7. Let woe befall the traitor to his country.

8.  Hurrah! My friend is coming.

9.  I wish you Mr. Bose Good morning.

10. You are a rogue and must go away at once.

11. ‘Capital hit!’ Cried out the spectators.

12. I wish I had a friend to support me.

13. Oh, how much I desire to meet you once more!

14.  Fie! He does not look after his old father.

15. He left no plan untried.

16. Everyone admits that he is a good musician.

17. It is often difficult in company to speak frankly.

18. There is no rose without a thorn.

19.  The bailiff refused to wait any longer.

20. More attacks followed.

21. I was doubtful if he would come.

22.  He is not without love for you.

23. He never neglects his lessons.

24. It never rains but pours.

25.  He is not incompetent for the post.

26. No other person but you are fit for the post.

27.  Never again I shall come here.

28. This morning did not differ from any other in any respect.

29. Nobody will deny that I am right.

30. It is not improbable that he will arrive.

31. It is no use wasting time.

32. What is the use of this statue?

33. Can their glory ever fade?

34.  Of what avail are fair words in times of danger?

35.  What does it matter if I fail?

36. Is there any hope for me if you do not come?

37. Where in the world will you find a mountain peak higher than Everest?

38. Is there anything wrong with me?

39. He will go unless he is compelled.

40. Chance and accidents are nothing but aliases of ignorance.

41. Jim never late.

42. I saw only but husks and dust in the bag.

43. There was no other school for males.

44. She had not seen by anybody to smile.

45. We went to see the ship being launched.

46.  It is wanted to be done by him/ He wants that it should be done.

47. It was such a perfect little house that nobody could possibly mind the smell.

48. None but he who was pure in heart could be perfectly just.

49. Not only Rahim but also karim went there.

50. A little boy is always innocent.

51. There are not a few people here.

52. We sold a little honey.

53.   I come here for the last time.

54. Then I saw him last.

55. I warn you for the last time.

56. He will never come to the village again.

57. I shall never smoke again.

58. He never came here again.

59. Who will not die?

60. Who does not have any desire?

61. Does an honest man ever tell a lie?

62. Have you ever seen it before?

63. Wasn’t it a good idea?

64. Do I know anything about it?

65. Is there anything better than honesty?

66. What is our life but a walking shadow?

67. Are you his servant?

68.  Of what use is it now? / Is it of any use now?

69. What was it but deceit?

70. What a fool you are!

71.  How swiftly the cat runs!

72.  Had I the wings of a dove!

73. How nicely he works!

74. My book is not heavier than yours.

75. The tea is so hot that it cannot be drunk.

76. This fact is so evident that it does not require any proof.

77. There was a great fall, my countrymen.

78. Any branch of knowledge is so difficult that it cannot be conquered by perseverance.

79. I have never seen a pearl more beautiful than this.

80. He is so honest that he cannot accept a bribe.

81. The Romans expected Carthage to be conquered.

82. No sooner had the ship touched the shore than he leaped into the water.

83. He not only robbed the passenger but also murdered him.

84. Ashoke does not bowl so fast as Subash does.

85. Everybody knows that two and two makes four.

86. Very few Generals of European were as great as Napoleon.

87. I wish to see him to reproach him for his ingratitude.

88. It is now time for the names to be called over.

89. People tell many tales of Jesus’s birth.

90. There is no tree that cannot be known by its fruits.

91. It is wrong to say that I ever did this before.

92. This is so small a thing that cannot be put down.

93. They proposed to hold a meeting.

94. What is friendship but a name?

95. He left no stone unturned.

96. I could not catch the train.

97. They did not solve their problem unwisely.

98. It is a great pity.

99. No other wood burns so pretty as it.

100. He is not so stupid as Apurbo.



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