Two cats and monkey / Dividing the Bread

 Two cats and a monkey 

Once there were two cats. They were very close and they lived together in a house beside a wood. One day they stole a bread from the house when the owner of the house went out. They wanted to divide the bread equally but failed. A dispute rose between them about the equal division of the bread. Then they discussed what to do. Suddenly one of the cats said about the monkey who lived in the wood beside their house. The monkey was thought to be wiser. So they went to the monkey and told him in details. The monkey agreed to divide the bread equally. He brought a scale. He separated the bread into two pieces and put them into the scale. He told the rats that one part is bigger than another. So he bit the bigger one to make equal. But this time smaller part became larger. So he again bit the bigger part and put it on the scale. But this time the same thing happened. The monkey continued to do that until there remained a small piece of bread. The cats understood the trick of the monkey and they asked the monkey to return that piece of bread. In reply the monkey kept the bread as his fee and let the cats leave the place silently. The incident taught them a good lesson and they promised not to fight between them for a silly thing.


Two cats and monkey / Bread Dividing Story
One day two cats stole a piece of bread from a kitchen and wanted to share it equally. But they could not find any way of dividing the bread equally rather they were about to start a quarrel. 
Finding no suitable solution the two cats agreed to put their problem to a monkey who would be considered wiser than any other animals in the jungle. He was very clever too. He planned to have the bread. He brought a pair of scales. He tore the bread into two parts and put on the scales. But one side became heavier than other. So, the monkey tore a bit of the larger piece of the bread and ate the excess. Then he scaled again and it was found that smaller side became heavier that time. The monkey tore the bread repeatedly and continued eating the excess of the portion. And finally there kept a tiny piece of bread only.
The two cats understood the ugly intention of the monkey. They requested to stop dividing and gave back the rest of the bread. The monkey got furious and said “I have made huge efforts to divide your bread. So, this is the charge of my hard work.” In this way, the cats lost their bread for their foolishness. 
Moral of the story: 
Foolishness brings disaster.

Quarrel brings a great loss.


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