A Winter Morning


A Winter Morning

A winter morning is one of the mornings of the winter season. It is a cold morning. It is misty (KzqvkvPQbœ) also. Fog (Nb Kzqvkv), dew (wkwki), mist (Kzqvkv) are mostly visible (my¯úó) things in a winter morning. Generally a winter morning remains covered with dense fog. Everything looks hazy (A¯úó). Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun can not go through it. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. There is foggy atmosphere everywhere. The natural beauty of a morning can not be enjoyed. Grass remains wet with dew drops. When the sun rises, the dew drops on grass look like gold/sparkle (Sjgj Kiv). When the sun rises, the fog melts. A winter morning is normally fearful (fxwZRbK) to old people and little children. They shiver (Kvucv) in cold. People gather (GKÎ Kiv) straw (Lo) and make fire to bask (Av¸b, †iv` cÖf„wZ †cvnvb) in the heat.  People get late to start their daily work. A winter morning is really enjoyable to all for date (†LRyi)  juice (im). People make different types of cakes with date juice and take hot cake in the morning. A foggy winter morning makes a great trouble for the communication and transportation system. Though a winter morning is troublesome for the poor, it has a great appeal to all.             


A morning of winter season is winter morning. It is usually foggy and cold. Sometimes the fog gets so deep that people cannot see anything even at a little distance. This causes trouble in the communication system. In winter morning the sun rises in late. The fog disappears when the sun rises. A winter morning brings misfortune to the poor. They shiver in biting cold for want of warm cloth. Some of them make fire in dry straw and leaves to warm themselves. The rich wear warm clothes and enjoy the scene of winter morning. During the winter morning, the animals become helpless. They try to save themselves from the biting cold outside. The people in general and children get up from bed in late. At full night dew drops fall on leaves and grasses. When the rays of the morning sun fall on the dew drops, it glitters like pearls. The sun starts to go up gradually and the nature returns to a normal day. The people take breakfast and go to their respective working places. In winter morning people often enjoy different kinds of ‘pithas’. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. In ail respect, though a winter morning is enjoyable for the rich, it brings misery for the poor. They do not get proper food and clothes to meet the curse of winter. The feeling of winter morning vanishes as the day advances. A winter morning is enjoyable and comfortable for the rich but a curse to the poor.


A winter morning is the usual morning of the winter season. Generally, a winter morning is cold, misty and everything outside is covered with dense fog. Sometimes the fog is so dense all around that the sunray can’t pass through it and people can hardly see anything. At night, dewdrops fall on the leaves and grass but when the sun rays fall on them, the dewdrops shine like pearls. It is so cold in the morning in the winter season that the domestic animals don’t come out. Even the chirping of the birds can’t be heard. The children and elderly people get up late from sleep. On a winter morning, people enjoy many delicious food and sweetmeats like pithas, cakes, date juice, pies, and many more. Though a winter morning is enjoyable for the rich and middle-class people, it brings misery for the poor and village people. The poor people don’t have enough warm clothes, so they shiver in the cold wind. Village people bask in the sun and when the sun rises late, they gather straw to make fire and warm themselves. Sometimes the day labourers don’t get work in cold weather and suffer for food. Homeless people sleep at the railway station and shiver in the lash of unbearable cold wind. However, we should help the poor people by giving them warm clothes and food. The government should also help them so that they can have shelter to live in. However, winter morning is delightful for the rich but miserable for the poor.


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