Exercise on Tag Ques.- Part-2 (Complex & Exceptional )

Exercise on Tag Ques.

(Complex Sentence  & Exceptional Examples)

 If you pinch me, I will feel pain, –?  If you work hard, you must do well, –? No one knows what’ll happen next, –?  It is man who pollutes the environment, –? The girl who came to me is my sister, –? When he came, I was sleeping, –? Men who live long grow old, –? Men who live long will say it, –? When you go there, I will meet you,–? It is found that an ancient king had many wives,–? I asked him if he had done his assignment,–? Though he was very rich, he was still very unhappy,–? She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged,–? When the cost goes up, customers buy less clothing,–? As she was bright and ambitious, she became manager in no time,–? Wherever you go, you can always find beauty,–? The movie, though very long, was still very enjoyable,–? Evergreen trees are a symbol of fertility because they do not die in the winter,–? He got a part in a movie although the part was a small one,–? The museum was very interesting as I expected,–? As he is rich, people respect him,–? The professional, who had been thoroughly trained, was at a loss to explain,–? When she was younger, she believed in fairy tales, —? After the tornado hit the town, there was little left standing, —? I have to save this coupon because I don’t have time to shop right now,–? Let’s go back to the restaurant where we had our first date,–? Although my cousin invited me, I chose not to go to the reunion,–? As genes change over time, evolution progresses,–? I really didn’t like the play although the acting was very good,–? Everyone laughed when he got a cream pie smashed in his face,–?  The man who won the first prize in the competition was hailed very warmly, –? After Simi had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Exam though she was an irregular student, –?  Her pen friend told her that he might visit Bangladesh in the winter season for which they were ready, –?  Walk fast lest you should miss the train, –? The lady guest whom the writer had met at Foyot’s, a fashionable restaurant in Paris, was more than 40, –?  The boy unexpectedly failed in the examination though he was always engaged in study, –? Porna could not meet her friend when she went there, –? The girl who cut a brilliant figure in the last examination is now insufficiently attentive to study, –? It’s many years since we first met at Foyot’s, –? Please wait here until I come, –? If the people of Bangladesh were educated, they could live a healthy and planned life, –? He’d have attended the party if he had been invited in time, –? Lora did not get A+ though she was very meritorious, –? As Bangladesh is a small country with large population, there remain a lot of problems, –? Lucy can shine in life if she studies sincerely, –? The woman had won the first prize in the competition before she was hailed very warmly, –? After Nuzhat had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Examination, –? The boy went to college after he had completed his homework, –? The man attended the seminar after composing the song, –? Before going to market for shopping, the gentleman always takes his credit card with him, –? Pias cannot solve the problem unless he gets help from his friend, –? The patient had died before the doctor came, –? If you study well, you can get better grade, –? Please wait here until I come back, –? Since Bangladesh is a corrupted country, she can’t produce honest devotees, –?  The writer had received a letter from the lady guest before he entertained her at Foyot’s, –? Nova will get A+ if she studies a lot, –? He’d attend the party unless he got sick, –? Before appearing at the HSC Exam, every student should study sincerely, –? The patient died after the doctor had come, –?

I think that he is right, –? He told that you were not at home,–?  I think that he is right, –? The visitor that he guided was not a man, –? It is hoped that he will come in time, –? They said that the movie was fantastic,–? He said that he was so disappointed,–? We think that we can touch the stars,–? This is the house that Jack built,–? He will understand that I was not joking,–? Pinto tasted the wine that his mother bought for him,–? He said (that) he was enjoying his work,–? I believe that he is innocent,–? She said that she can speak three languages,–? I suspect that she eloped with her boyfriend,–? It was rather a shock that she should forget me so quickly,–? The teacher should know that everything is unacceptable,–? It surprised me that he was still in bed,–? She made it clear that she wouldn’t accept the proposal,–? I hope that you will enjoy your holiday,–? She didn’t really think that it would happen,–? I knew that I had seen her somewhere before,–? They admitted that they had made a mistake,–? She argued that they should invest more in the business,–? He made a promise that he would do all he could to help,–? I had a funny feeling that something was wrong,–? She pointed out the danger that they might be left behind,–? There was a chance that we would succeed,–? I am sorry that you can’t come,–? Everybody was pleased that the danger was past,–? It is lucky that you were able to drive us home,–? Everyone agrees that we have to act quickly,–? It’s easy to forget that she’s just a child,–? Recent research proves that global warming is already a reality,–? The children complained that they had nothing to do,–? Jerry said that he was responsible for breaking the axe-handle, –? I think, you are the right person for doing this job, –? The man thought that his sons might be involved in corruption, –? The foreigner remarks that free and fair election is the precondition for forming democratic government, –?  We do not suppose that he is hungry, –? Sabuz informed that everything should have been processed prior to that, –? She persuades that I should help her younger sister anyway, –? The President opines that the bill ought not to be resubmitted, ought it? The tourist-guide cites that the spot deserves to be a world heritage site, —? He does not think that his younger sister is guilty for that, –? The lady said that she had been asked to pay for it illegally, –? The chairman of the department never opines that computer lab facility should be lessened, –? The poet utters, the wretched people should not be kept hungry, –? The economist comments all hoarded merchandises have to be sold at a reasonable price, –?

No sooner had the sun risen than the fog disappeared,–?  No sooner had I finished my studies than I got a good job,–?   No sooner had the sun disappeared below the horizon than darkness began to envelop the planet,–?  No sooner had the police left the scene than trouble started brewing again,–? Hardly had the child started crying when his mother lifted him up,–?  Hardly had I gone to bed when I fell asleep,–?  Hardly had I taken a dose of medicine when I started feeling better,–?  Scarcely had I reached the station when the train arrived,–?  Scarcely had I eaten the fish, when I started feeling sick,–?  Scarcely had they completed the work when they demanded the wages ,–? As soon as the rumour spread out, everybody got frightened, –? No sooner had the Principal entered the auditorium than all the teachers stood up, –? Nothing could be controlled as soon as the robot got powered, –? No sooner had the bell rung than all the learners went out, –? Julia burst out laughing as soon as the result was declared, –? No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than all the students stood up, –? As soon as the police got to the spot, the swindlers ran away, –? No sooner had the student finished his writing than the bell rang, –? Nobody tried to go out as soon as the alarm was heard, –?


 Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect tag question.


The learning of these new things is no longer interesting, –? Several theories of this subject have been accepted, –? People walking on the road are also inhaling this gas, –? The sound of the workers dragging the logs was nothing but rhythmic, –? During these years, the effects of this crime have been likely to be devastating, –? The fright of rape, outrage and robbery has caused many citizens to flee the towns, –? The colour of these books and scripts looks fine, –? Many novels written by this writer were not published in his lifetime, –? The affluent in many developed countries scarcely contribute to the development of the poor countries, –? The importance of independence of different countries cannot be ignored, –? Many doctrines of Charles Darwin have already been proved right, –? The sound of the boy dragging the brush annoyed me, –? Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) in banking sectors has revolutionised money exchange policies, –? Adverse effects caused by smoking cannot be denied, –?


 If a clause consists of what, where, how, why, when, which, whose, whom, that, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever, whosever, whomever as subject or object in a sentence, subject of the tag will be it/he/they.


 That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam is known to us all, –? In the morning daily why the lady goes out for at least one hour has made her family members perplexed, –? Everybody knows what he has done for us, –? Where you will meet your friend definitely can be an important issue, –? Who would be the next chairman of their department was not decided up to the interim exam, –? The boy unconsciously did what he was forbidden to do, –? What has been done cannot be undone, –? Whatever has been drawn by the beginners deserves fair evaluation, –? Whomever you nominate for the committee will be selected finally, –? Whose laptop supports this 3D game has definitely been invited to this competition, –? Which / Whose laptop supports this 3D game definitely uses Intel dual core 2 processor, –? Whom you know well is completely unknown to me, –? Who / Whom was awarded Nobel Prize last year has been invited to our party tonight, –? In the examination hall how Susana answers all the unknown and difficult questions is a great mystery to us, –? Whose car has got the permission to park here is not known to us, –? That scientists have landed on the moon need not have elucidation, –? In our country why people are not very active has been the core research theme of an NGO, –? Who has invented hydro-fuel kit for running car using water will be praised worldwide soon, –?


Exceptional tag question

1.     Allah/God only can help us, can’t He?

2.     Messi, isn’t he?

3.     Goodbye, don’t I?

4.     Thank you, don’t I?

5.     Who cares, do they?

6.     Happy birthday, don’t I?

7.     Good morning, don’t I?

8.     Sweety used to tell a lie, didn’t she?

9.     Mou, aren’t you?

10.The visitor that he guided was not a man, was she?

11.That he is honest is known to all, isn’t it?

12.That the earth rounds the sun is universal, isn’t it?

13.Two and two make four, don’t they?

14.A boy like you should do this, shouldn’t he?

15.The sooner, the better, isn’t it?

16.Slow and steady wins the race, don’t they?

17.What is lotted cannot be blotted, can it?

18.All that glitters is not gold, is it?

19.Waste not, want not, will you?

20.Many men, many minds, isn’t it?

21.All’s well that ends well, aren‟t they?

22.Harm hatch, harm catch, isn’t it?

23.Give him an inch, and he will take an ell, won’t he?

24.The more laws, the more offenders, isn’t it?

25.Ill got ill spent, isn’t it?

26.Tit for tat, isn’t it?

27.Nero fiddles while Rome burns, doesn’t he? / isn’t it?

28.Grasp all, lose all, isn’t it?

29.No pains, no gains, is it?

30.Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet, –?

31.Many men, many minds, –?

32.Might is right, –?

33.Faults are thick where love is thin, –?

34.Man proposes but God disposes, –?


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