Exercise on Tag Question (Part-1)

Exercise on Tag Question (According Rule)
(Without Answer)

Everybody should do his duty,–? Somebody wanted to go with you,–? Everybody should help me,–? Everybody could understand it,–? Everybody played well, –? Everybody welcomed you,–? Everybody can read books,–?  Everybody saw you, –?  Everybody played well, –? Everybody warned you, –? Everyone could understand it, –? Nobody called me, –? None can do it, –? Nobody Phoned, –? Neither of them went, –? Neither of them did it, –? None can avoid death –? Nobody attended the meeting, –? None came forward, –? None of them knew the answer,–? Nobody believed him, –? Nobody called me, –? Nobody phoned him, –? None can do it, –? No one would object, –? Somebody wanted a pen, –? Somebody wanted to drink, –? None attended the seminar, –?


Everybody has self respect, –? Everybody is dancing, –? Everybody desires success, –? Everybody likes flower, –? Every mother loves her child, –? Everybody is liable to error, –?  Every teacher loves his student, –? Everybody knows it, –? Everyone knows it, –? Everyone likes an honest man, –? Everybody was there, –?  No one is free from mistake, –? Nobody has done it, –? Nobody dislikes flower, –? Nobody believes him, –? Nobody believes a liar, –? Everyone wants to be happy, –? Everyone knows it,–?  Many a rose is born to blush unseen,–? Many a man will come, –? Someone has stolen his pen, –? Somebody has called, –? Nobody was praised and awarded by the committee , –? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, –?


One can help you, –? One will know it, –? One should do one’s duty, –? One can be succeeded in without it, –?  One will join us, –? One may fail, –? One has to do it, –? One has to be conscious, –? One person cannot be called people, –? One could conceive of it, –?  One saw that coming, –?  One knows it, –? One can say about it, –? One will speak more respectfully, –? One may almost doubt, –?  One had written a composition, –? One chose the horse, –? One should take care of one’s health, –?One farmer says to me, –?


Nothing can happen, –? Nothing can revive this worse situation, –? Nothing comes or goes, –? Nothing is certain, –? Nothing remains certain, –? Nothing terrible has happened, –? Nothing was done, –? Nothing is impossible, –? Nothing is certain, –? Everything looked beautiful, –? Something should be done, –? Nothing can concern you, –? Nothing comes from nothing, –? Nothing is impossible in this world, –? Everything looked beautiful, –? Everything looked nice, –? Nothing can satisfy him, –? Nothing comes of goes, –? Nothing is certain in this world, –? Nothing is certain, –? Nothing is working, –? Nothing remains certain, –? Nothing was done, –? Something is better than nothing, –? Everything was alright, –?  Nothing of them is valueless, –? Nothing was right, –? Nothing has been considered right, –?


He hardly comes here, –? He hardly believes me, –? Nobody called you, –? He has little idea, –? He seldom comes here, –? I have few friends, –? We see him scarcely, –? It hardly rained at all this summer, –? It hardly rains here, –? It’s hardly rained during the rainy season, –?  Rumi hardly goes to market, –? She scarcely goes to market, –? Salam hardly comes here, –? I have few friends, –? We see him scarcely, –? My friends and I hardly go there, –? He spent few hours with us, –? The little girl knew a little of the matter, –? The oldest of the men little thinks about death, –? He hardly believes me, –? He hardly realises it,–? He hardly studies, –? He has few friends, –? He seldom comes here, –? An ideal student hardly studies, –? I go there hardly, –? I have few story books, –? I have hardly seen him, –? I have a little rice, –? I have a few books, –? I shall never tell a lie, –? I could hardly go there,–? He rarely remembers his past,–? Few people were present there,–? There’s little we can do about it,–? It’s hardly rained this summer,–?


The girl in her pleased us all, –?  The father rose in him, –? The mother rose in her, –? The brother in him arose, –? The father is noticed in him, –? The boy in him pleased us all, –? The brother in him rose, –? The girl in her will surprise you, –? The girl in her surpried us all, –? The fox is found in him, –? The beast was noticed in her, –? A healthy man can reside only in a healthy body, –?


There is no king in China, –?  There is a mistake, –? There are many books on the table, –? There is not any cloud in the sky, –? There is a mistake, –? There is no pond in this village, –? There wasn’t enough time, –? There’s been an accident, –? There has been an accident, –? There is no pond in the village, –? There is no water in the glass, –? There is something wrong, –? There was none there, –? There’s a big match tonight, –? There’s a lot of talk of a new restaurant, –?

The moon has hidden her face behind the cloud, –? The spring came with all her beauties, –?  Bangladesh is not rich in mineral resources, –?   The Jamuna Express is running at a full speed, –?  The Titanic sank at her first voyage, –? Bangladesh provides us with all amenities, –? Death comes without one‟s notice, –? Because of hunger the baby is crying for its mother, –? The ship was carrying a lot of people from Dhaka to Barisal, –? Extreme cold sometimes snatches away the lives of some old people, –?


The teacher as well as the workers may come, –? The prime minister with all the members of the cabinet went to the U.S.A, –?  I along with my friends enjoyed a picnic last month, –? The headmaster along with other teachers went to Dhaka, –? The Headmaster and the secretary said many things, –?  The boy as well as his brothers has come, –?  Suma together with Sumi came to my office, –?  The teacher as well as the students was present, –?   Mr. Hassan along with his son visited our house,–?  Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking, –? The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly,–? Supti as well as Dolly was responsible for that, —? I, with my friends, teachers and other colleagues, am going to enjoy the match, –? The man, along with his manager and some friends, is going to the party, –? Karina together with her friends has attended the party, –? Rita, accompanied by her husband and three children, has left Dhaka today, –? Salina in her friends‟ company attends the seminar today, –? Edge modem together with TV card and LAN card has been installed with motherboard, –?  Edge modem together with speakers and magnetic devices does not get network properly, –? Nishat as well as her friend Nusrat has been given the highest marks, –? Nilufar accompanied by her parents was going to market in the evening that day, –? Biometrics including some other important subjects has been introduced to this present course, –? Navana in her friends’ company has got to the spot in time, –? Our Managing Director along with some high officials attended the seminar on VoIP, –?

Neither Hasnat nor Hasi was present in the meeting that day, –?  Either Sushil or Sumi has done the work, –? Neither Shovel nor his parents are going to the sea-beach today, –? Neither Sohag nor Jenny was awarded by the authority, –? Either Suma or her friends have done this, –? Either Grandpa or my sisters are going to the park. Either my sisters or Grandpa is going to the park, —? Neither she nor I am going to college, —? Either Mary or Alice is responsible for this, —? Neither the Minister nor his colleagues have given an explanation for this, —? Neither my dad nor my brothers know how to play chess, —? Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor, —? Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting, —? Neither his father nor his mother does it, —? My mom or dad is coming to the play, —? Neither gray nor white is my favorite color, –?


No money is allowed, –?   No salt is allowed, –?

To learn a language is like riding a cycle, –? To err is human, –? Walking is a good exercise, –? Swimming is good for health, –? Acquiring a language is more successful, –? Learning is like riding a cycle, –?  Feeding is a big challenge, –?  Swimming has been my passion, –?  Eating people is wrong, –?  Hunting tigers is dangerous, –? Flying makes me nervous, –?  Brushing your teeth is importan, –? Smoking causes lung cancer, –?  Acting is fun, –?  Playing football is disgusting, –?  Walking on the beach is painful, –?  To help the poor and the wretched is not less important than our regular prayers, –? Reading various types of journals helps a student make thesis paper, –? Supplying electricity everywhere in Bangladesh is considered a mammoth task, –? To study properly for cutting a brilliant figure in the exam should be the prime concern of the students, –?  In the evening everyday playing football helps us build up our body, –? To tell a lie is a great sin, –? Visiting different countries widens our knowledge, –? To develop infrastructure can help us improve social and economic conditions to some extent, –? Using Bluetooth technology is one of the ways to connect internet, –? To mail anybody anywhere is now nothing but a single click of computer or a little touch of mobile keypad, –?





You and I are best friends, –? My parents and I are happy, –? You and he went there, –? You and I came to terms, –? My father and I were happy, –? She did not attend the party and neither did I, –?

Sampa did not attend the conference, and her younger sister did not either, –? Shimla went there, and her friend did also, –? The girl hasn’t worked out the sum, and her friend hasn’t either, –? Professor Bulbul didn’t ask any oral test instead of taking a final exam, and Jennie did not either, –?  Jane won’t go to the party and neither will her younger sister, –? Your class has not started yet, and neither has mine, –? She will talk to him, and I will also, –? The manager did not attend the meeting, and neither did the director, –? The committee changed the decision, and so did the others, –? Laila helps him do the laundry, and so does her mother, –? The boy hasn’t done it, and neither has his friend, –? The students went to the principal and demanded new facilities in their college library, –? 

The helpless will be helped, –? The educated should be free from superstition, –? The helpless should be helped, –? The Idle cannot prosper in life, –? The unfed should be fed, –? The brave deserve the fair, –? The brave fight with courage, –?  The strong always oppress the weak, –? The rich are not always happy, –? The pious will be rewarded in the next world, –? The idle never can shine in life, –? In the society the dishonest can deserve respect from others a little, –?  The courageous make the difficult easy, impossible possible and unseen seen, –? Everywhere in the world the honest are respected by all, –? The talented very often endeavour to evaluate the merit of other scholars, –? All the while the strong depress the weak, –?  The feeble should not be humiliated in such a manner, –?

How fine the flower is! –? How lovely the bird is, –? How nice the flower is, –? How sweet the birds sing, –? How time does fly, –? What a pity, –? How odd, –? What a shame, –? How funny, –?  How interesting, –? How awful, –? What a pain, –? What a lovely girl, –? What a nice surprise, –? What a rude guy, –? What a wonderful sight, –? What a surprise, –? What a tragedy, –? What terrible weather, –? What idiots, –?

All of the forged money was found at last, –? None of the applicants have been selected, –? No instance was relevant to the case, –? No examples are relevant to the matter, –? One-third of the amount was spent and now the rest (of the amount) is mine, –? One-fifth of the students attended the seminar, –?  Some students were permitted to consult with the teachers about this, –? Some water was dirty, –? On the eve of Christmas, all students were absent, –? All rice was sold in the market, –? The first four problems are very hard, but the rest (of the problems) seem to be easy, –? Any (amount of) contribution is acceptable, –? Any men are eligible for this post, –? The rest of the money was kept idle, –? 

Twenty dollars does not go far, –? Five miles is the distance to the office, –? The staff is meeting in the conference room, –?  The staffs are persuading their clients to sign up again new, –? The congress has initiated a pragmatic step to solve the problem, –? Even the congresses have not the right to violate this rule for their own benefits, –? The crowd was making an unbearable noise, –? The crowd have no thought of losing anything, –? The audience keeps silent atmosphere in the hall-room, –? The audience play a vital role in stage-drama, –? The committee has decided about taking some immediate forceful actions, –? The committee have the bill passed for the rapid progress of the project, –? The majority believes him to be honest, –? The majority of the members believed her to be innocent, –? Our team is going to play tomorrow, –? Our team with their new jerseys played well, –? The jury was unique in the opinion, –? The jury were divided to that matter, –? The family has not left Dhaka yet, –? The family very often gave him financial as well as psychological support, –? Thirty minutes is not enough time to finish this work, –? A school of fish has been attacked by sharks, –? A flock of birds were flying in the sky, –? The jury gave their opinions separately, –? The class have served every teacher with delicious foods,


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