
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Bus Stand

  Paragraph: A Bus Stand (a) How is the bus stand? (b) When does it remain busy? (c) What do people wait there for? (d) When does it become calm and quiet? (e) When does it become busier again? A Bus Stand  A bus stand is a well-known place. It is an important place for our everyday communication. It is a place where buses stop and start. It is seen in a city or a town. It is a bustling place. It remains active all the time. There is a waiting room for the passengers in most bus stands. Passengers eagerly wait for the arrival of buses. In some bus stands there are counters for booking tickets. Passengers stand in line to collect the ticket. When buses arrive, people become busy and try to get into the buses and get down from the buses. There are different kinds of stalls. A tea stall is a common sight in a bus stand. Coolies are seen busy carrying loads. Hawkers are found selling betel leaf: cigarettes, and many other items. Magazines and seasonal fruits are also available here. When t
  Write an e-mail to the editor of a local newspaper informing him about the traffic jam you face daily: Date : 9 December 2019 To: The Editor The Bangladesh Observer Dhaka-1204   Subject:  Intolerable traffic jam in Dhaka city   Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I venture to voice my views about the intolerable traffic jam in Dhaka. There is hardly anybody found in Dhaka who did not face the unbearable traffic jam. This has happened actually for the enormously increasing number of rickshaws and private cars. Here we see sometimes hundreds of different vehicles standing still. Especially office going people and students become victims to this terrible traffic jam. They have to miss their most important meetings and classes. But among all, patients suffer most while they are badly in need of medical treatment. Many patients die every day being stuck in traffic jams. Nobody can avoid the responsibility of solving this problem as dweller of Dhaka c

Write an e-mail about the importance of learning English

  Suppose you are Sabiha/Sanbir and your sister is Zuthi/Noloy. Now, write an e-mail to your younger sister/brother advising him/her about the  importance of learning English. From        : sabiha/ To               : zuthi/ Sent          : Monday, April 19, 2022, 9:22 Subject     : Importance of learning English.   Dear Zuthi/Niloy, I am sorry to know that you are not interested to learn English. English has been the main key to success in the present world. If you don't have good efficiency in English, you cannot have good result. Without the knowledge of English, you can not get any good job. I believe now you have understood the necessity of English. Your loving brother/sister, Sabiha/Sanbir

Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk to reserve / book a seat for you

  Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk to reserve a seat for you From            : To                 : Subject         :  Request to reserve two seats/for booking a ticket. Dear Sir, I would like to inform you that I have decided to enjoy a three-day tour to Chittagong on July 22, 2022. I have already had my leave granted from my office for the tour. So, the date is not changeable. In this connection, I want to book a ticket of two seats of a chair coach of the Mahanagar Express. I would also request you to fix up a window seat. I assure you that I will collect the ticket due time before the day of my journey. Hope you will confirm my ticket and let me  have (/be free of tension with assurance of ) a happy journey. With thanks Riaj

Write a letter to your foreign-friend inviting to visit Bangladesh.

  Write a letter to your foreign-friend inviting to visit Bangladesh. My dear Diana/Sam, At first, take my cordial love. Hope you are well. l am well too. You know that I live in Bangladesh. It is a beautiful country. I request you and invite you to visit my country. It is a treasure trove of nature. It is famous for its uncommon scenic beauty. The sea beach of Cox’s Bazar, the tea garden of Sylhet, the sea beach of Kuakata and the mangrove at Sundarban captivate the tourists. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. She has small-big 230 rivers. Each and every river of the country presents scenes of romantic charm and beauty. The people of Bangladesh are very simple, friendly and hospitable. Bangladeshi foods are very appetizing. The songs and poems of our country are interesting. Its green paddy fields are attractive. Its flowers are nice. There are six seasons in our country. Winter is the dry season in our country. This season is the best time for you to visit this country. I expect that yo

Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life

  Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life Nuhel :  Hi Monir, how are you? Sabbir :  I’m fine. Thank you. What about you? Nuhel :  I’m fine too. So, what do you think about the future? Sabbir :  I’ll try to be a doctor. And you? Nuhel :  I’ll try to be a teacher. But, why do you want to be a doctor? Sabbir :  It’s a noble profession. I have a desire to build up a hospital in my village. Nuhel :  That’s good. I’ll teach my students to serve my country. Sabbir :  Actually, the villagers are not able to get better treatment. So, I’ll serve them. Nuhel :  Very wise decision. I think you are a man of great humanity. Sabbir :  Don’t say that. You are also thinking about a noble profession. Nuhel :  Actually, money is not everything. We need to be mentally satisfied. Sabbir :  That’s fine. I pray for your success. Nuhel :  Thank you. I also hope that you will reach your goal. Sabbir :  Then bye, take care. Nuhel :  Best of luck, my dear friend! ----

A Dialogue between Two Friends about the Bad Effects of Smoking

A Dialogue between Two Friends about the Bad Effects of Smoking Eshe : Hello, Saima! How are you? Saima : Thanks, I am fine. How are you? Eshe : Thanks, I am also fine. What’s the smell coming out from your mouth? Saima : Nothing. It’s the smell of smoking. Eshe : Smoking! Oh my God! You are smoker! Saima : Why are you so excited? Smoking is nothing so bad. Eshe : Not bad? Don’t you know the bad effects of smoking? Saima : If smoking is bad, why so many people smoke all over the world? Eshe : They smoke because they don’t understand the bad effects. Do you know that smoking causes cancer? Saima : Cancer? Eshe : Yes, cancer. Smoking causes many other diseases. It also affects our lunge. Saima : But smoking makes people smart. Eshe : It’s a false notion. People hate smokers. Besides, smoking the beginning of drug addiction. Saima : I didn’t think like you. Eshe : So, It is high time you gave up smoking. Saima : Of course. I will not smoke further. Eshe :

The Lion And The Mouse

  The Lion And The Mouse Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry with the silly mouse. The mouse became very much frightened. But he did not lose heart. He said to the lion. “Oh king of the jungle, I am a very tiny creature. I have made a great mistake, please forgive me this time. I may be of some help to you any time.” Hearing this, the lion smiled and let the mouse go. The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever help him. But he was generous and finally let the Mouse go. Days, months and years passed by. One night the mouse heard the roar of a lion. The mouse went to the place from where the sound was coming. Having reached there he saw the lion trapped in a hunter’s net. The net was too strong for the lion to tear. The mouse gave his identity and requested him not to make any sound. Then the mouse began

The Wolf and the Lamb

  The Wolf and the Lamb One day, a wolf saw a lamb drinking water from the same source down at some distance. The cunning wolf thought of a plan to fool the lamb and eat him. So he shouted down at the lamb, "How dare you make the water dirty I am drinking?" "You must be mistaken, sir," said the poor lamb gently. "The water flows from you to me and not from me to you. So, I am not making the water dirty for you." The wolf began thinking cunningly of some other talk to make an issue. "Do you remember calling me with all sorts of abusive words, just a year ago?" said the wolf to the lamb. The lamb replied, "But, sir, I was not born a year ago." The wolf said in a loud voice, “Then your father must have abused me long ago.” The lamb said, “I apologize on behalf of my father.” "You are arguing with me. Let me teach you and your family a good lesson." Saying this, the wolf jumped upon the poor lamb and killed him and ate him.