
Showing posts from October, 2021

A letter to a news editor about the need for supplying pure drinking water in your area.

  A letter to a news editor about the need for supplying pure drinking water in your area.   Date: 07 April, 2015 The Editor The Daily Star Dhaka-1200   Dear Sir, We will be obliged if you kindly publish the following writing in your renowned newspaper. Supplying Drinking Water Water is an important element of our lives. It is called life. Without drinking water, there is hardly any living thing which can survive in the world. But it is a matter of great regret that we, the people of Koralia under Companigonj Upazilla in Noakhali district, suffer a lot for the shortage of drinking water. There is no safe source of drinking water here. So, we have to drink polluted water of ponds, canals ( Lvj), creek (†QvU b`x) and this unsafe water causes many diseases. Sometimes we are to fetch water to drink from a remote place. It is one mile away from our locality. Even at night the situation becomes very pathetic ( KiyY/ gg©¯ckx© ). At this stage, we are badly in need of setti

A Book Fair / The Book Fair You Visited

  A Book Fair /The Book Fair You Visited      A book fair speaks of an educated and civilized nation. It brings a special enthusiasm, feeling and pleasure to the enlightened section of the society. It also spreads the message that books are our best friends which enlarge our vision and make our life more meaningful. Every year many book fairs are held in our country. But the book fair arranged by the 'Bangla Academy' is the biggest and most stately one in Bangladesh. This book fair is called "Ekushey Boimela”, which is held at the premises of Bangla Academy. In Dhaka this book fair creates a scope for the students and other people to buy their cherished books from here. It also becomes a meeting place for the literature loving people. This book fair is held here in a disciplined and well-arranged way. The leading publishers of our country participate in the fair and open their stalls. So, we can find any book such as story books, novels, critics, science fictions, text

Praying for permission go on a study tour.

  Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission go on a study tour.   07 March, 2013   The Headmaster, …………… Govt. High School , ………………….   Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour/excursion.   Dear Sir,   With due respect we, the students of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we are willing to go on a study tour/excursion at Comilla Ban Bihar. We have selected such places where nature has bestowed lavishly all her beauties. It is our belief that this tour will help us to increase our knowledge and widen the horizon of our outlook and experience. Besides, it will give us an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of vistas. In the mean time, two reverend ( fw³fvRb) teachers of our school have given their consent to guide us.   We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to give us permission to go on a study tour and sanction a considerable sum of money for the purp

Your Grandfather

  Your Grandfather Grandfather is generally the father of a person's mother or father. Mother’s father is usually known as maternal grandfather whereas father’s father is paternal. My maternal grandfather is not alive. So I want to write here about my paternal grandfather. We live with our grandfather. His name is ………….. He is a religious person. He comes of a respectable Muslim/Hindu family. He is an educated person. He is a government retired officer. He is a learned and wise person. We all value his decision. He is sixty five but still he can do his own work. He does not need our support. In absence of my parents he helps me prepare my lesson. He often tells me moral stories and always advises me to follow the right path. He is our guide, guardian and decision maker. He always thinks of our betterment. I think my grandfather is the best one in the world. I’m really proud of him.  

Spend a couple of weeks with your family during summer vacation

  Write a letter to your cousin asking him to come and spend a couple of weeks with your family.                                               19 July, 2015 Companigonj Noakhali   Dear friend,   Take my heartiest love at the beginning of the letter. I am very happy to have a sweet note from you. I came to know that you are going to enjoy summer vacation next week. So, I would like to invite you to spend the summer vacation with us in the rural atmosphere.   You know I live with my family in the village. It is quite long since you met. So this is a chance to relieve ( Dckg Kiv) from the boredom ( weiw³) of city life. Our village is a place of scenic beauty. It will refresh ( m‡ZR Kiv ) your mind. We together will swim in the pond and fish there. Even we will boat in the river.   Please don’t miss the chance. With best wishes and love, Yours ever, ………..

Your Favourite Teacher

  Your Favourite Teacher                            Ques.: a) Who is a teacher? b) What is the name of your teacher? c) What is his qualification?   d) How does he behave with the students? e) What is method of teaching? f) How does he treat with the weak students?   g) Why is he favourite to you?   A teacher is a person who educates or teaches students in a school, college or university. A teacher is known as a nation builder. He plays a vital role in building up a nation. He is a persona ( Av¯’vfvRb e¨w³) of a man’s life. There is hardly any student who does not love his teacher. A true teacher generally touches the heart of his fellow learners. It is only he who can mould (AvKvi †`Iqv) the life of his learners. As I am a student, I have many teachers in my school. I love and respect all of my teachers. I always listen to them. I never disobey them. But among all teachers, I can name one who is very favourite to me. He is my favourite teacher. The name of my favourite teache

An application for a leave of absence

  10 May, 2022 The Headmaster, Noakhali Govt. High School, Noakhali. Subject:  Prayer for a leave of absence Sir, I beg to state that I am a student of your school. I read in class VI. I could not attend school last three days from 12 may to 14 May, 2022 for illness. I suffered from severe fever and cold. So, I had to remain absent in the class.   I, therefore, I pray and hope that you would kindly grant my leave of absence.     Yours obediently Rehan Roll-   

Write an application to your Headmaster for full free studentship.

  Write an application to your Headmaster for full free studentship.   05/03/2015 The Headmaster , Basurhat A.H.C Government High School, Companigonj, Noakhali. Subject: Prayer for full free studentship. Dear Sir, I beg to state that I am a student of your school. I read in class VI. My father is a pity ( mnvbyfxZ) shopkeeper. He is the only earner ( DcvR©bKvix) in our family. There are seven members in our family. With his poor income, he has to maintain ( fib‡cvlY Kiv) this big family. In these days of economic ( A_©‰bwZK) crisis ( msKUKvj) , it is impossible for him to bear my educational ( wk¶v msµvšZ) expense ( LiP) anymore. So, I am badly in need of (AZxe Riywi) a full free studentship. I, therefore, request you to grant me a full free studentship and oblige thereby. I remain Sir Yours obediently ………………. Roll-                    

Mail your friend inviting him for your birthday party

  a) Mail your friend inviting him for your birthday party From     : To         : Subject      : Invitation My dear Rehan, You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on ( AbywôZ/msNwUZ nIqv) 31st of May. I shall celebrate the day at my residence. There will be a grand party. I have invited our common friends-Rita, Mita, Shita, Ratan, Karim and Babul. I hope you would enjoy their company. In the evening, we shall go to see a new movie. The next day, I shall take you around the city. You will be able to see many tourist spots. You will certainly join the party. I am looking forward to your arrival. With best regards/love ………………..

Write an application to your Headmaster for leave in advance

  Write an application to your Headmaster for leave in advance 7 June, 2021 The Headmaster, Noakhali Zilla School, Noakhali. Subject: Application for leave in advance Sir, I beg to state that I am a student of class ….. of your school. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister comes off on the 10th instant of this month and I will not be able to attend classes for three days. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me leave in advance for those days only.   Yours obediently, Monika Class-….. Roll no-……

Write letter to your friend inviting him to join picnic

  Write letter to your friend inviting him to join picnic 17 June, 2016 Hall Road, Basurhat Companigonj, Noakhali Dear Fahamin, I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. You will be happy to know that we are going to join a picnic on next Sunday. We will go to Bagherhat to visit the Shat Gambuj Mosque. It is a well known historical place. We will start at 8.a.m from school. We will start by our school bus. One of our class teachers will accompany us. We will spend the whole day there. We will eat, drink, and enjoy together. It will be a day of much pleasure for us. I invite you to join us. We will be very happy if you join us. Awaiting your early reply,   Your loving friend Rishan

Mobile Phone

                                                              Mobile Phone (a) What is a mobile phone? (b) What are the uses of mobile phone? (c) What are the demerits of rising mobile phone?(d) What types of radiation cause damage to our body? (e) Who are prohibited from using cellular telephone?   Mobile phone is such a cordless phone by which people can communicate to others immediately. It is an important medium of communication. It is one of the amazing inventions of modern science. We can communicate with the people at home and abroad in the shortest possible time through it. The use of mobile phone is more convenient than telephone. Especially business persons, service holders, doctors and other professionals use it. Though it was a sign of aristocracy in the past, now it is found in everyone's hand in our country. Today we cannot do a single bay without it. Before the invention of mobile phone, communication or messaging system was very hard. Nevertheless, mobile has no


  MY GRANDMOTHER My grandmother is a 70 year-old lady. She comes of respectable Muslim/Hindu family. Though she is 70, she is still active. She is a very sweet person. She has a strong personality. She is very religious. She likes me very much and takes care of my brother and me.I have always been with her since my birth. Even, she is aware of my education. She becomes happy if I cut a good figure in the examination. She also becomes anxious if I fall ill. She is my first teacher because at first, she taught writing and me reading. She always gives us advice to lead an Islamic life (/honest life).  She wakes up  early in the morning  and starts her day with Morning Prayer. She is a very religious person. She encourages the whole family to pray more and more.  My grandmother cooks very well. When my mother goes out for work, my grandmother prepares food. Her preparation will be delicious and we will enjoy eating sweets made by her. She always teaches us to be honest, truthful and punct

Our Computer Lab / Club (Our School Computer Lab / Club)

Our Computer Lab / Our School Computer Lab   Computer is an inevitable part of our modern life. It is used in every sphere of our life. Everything on the present world is largely dependent on computer (on the use of computer). Realizing the importance of computer every country has given emphasis on computer education. Computer Education in school helps the children to get access to the extensive world of information. The present government of Bangladesh has made an aim to provide digital facilities everywhere in Government and non-government sector. To fulfill the target the government has implemented a large number of projects relating to digital technologies.  For this purpose, the govt. has made a computer lab in every secondary school and every higher secondary school. Even the govt. has provided these institutes with necessary tools which are necessary for computer education. Like other schools, ours is a computer lab. The name of our computer lab is “Sheikh Russel Digital Lab”.

Tag Question exercise with answer

Tag Question exercise with answer Exercise-1 (a) Most of the students who fail in English don't have strong foundation over grammar,  do they? (b) They read only to pass the examination,  don't they? (c) Teachers should motivate them to learn the basic thing,  shouldn't they? (d) They can't help learning grammar,  can they? (e) Moreover, practice is essential too,  isn't it? Exercise-2 (a) Nobody believes a cheat,  do they? (b) Everybody hates him,  don't they? (c) He has to drag a miserable life,  hasn't he? (d) He can hardly succeed in life,  can he? (e) Let us always speak the truth,  shall we? Exercise-3 (a) I am Rajib, a boy of class 10,  aren't I? (b) I am reading in science group. I aim to be a doctor,  don't I? (c) But my parents want that I shall be an army officer,  shan't I? (d) I have to work hard for whatever I want to be. Because success in life depends on hard work,  doesn't it? (e) Especially¸ parents alwa

A Winter Morning

  A Winter Morning A winter morning is one of the mornings of the winter season. It is a cold morning. It is misty ( KzqvkvPQbœ) also. Fog ( Nb Kzqvkv) , dew ( wkwki) , mist ( Kzqvkv) are mostly visible ( my¯úó) things in a winter morning. Generally a winter morning remains covered with dense fog. Everything looks hazy ( A¯úó) . Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun can not go through it. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. There is foggy atmosphere everywhere. The natural beauty of a morning can not be enjoyed. Grass remains wet with dew drops. When the sun rises, the dew drops on grass look like gold /sparkle ( Sjgj Kiv) . When the sun rises, the fog melts. A winter morning is normally fearful ( fxwZRbK) to old people and little children. They shiver ( Kvucv) in cold. People gather ( GKÎ Kiv) straw ( Lo) and make fire to bask ( Av¸b, †iv` cÖf„wZ †cvnvb) in the heat.   People get late to start their daily work. A winter morning is really enjoyable to all

Your Village or MY Village

  Your Village or MY Village Village is a place where the identity of a person is based upon. The name of my village is …….. It is situated at companigonj in Noakhali District. It is a part of Chattagram Division. Total land area is 350 sqkm. The famous river Chhoto Feni flows down at a near distance. Our village is densely populated. Most of the people of the village are Muslims and others are Hindus. They are very simple and honest. They live here in peace. They help one another. They share their sorrows and sufferings with one another. About 60% people of the village are farmers. More than fifteen percent work in abroad. They play a great role in our nation economy. There are also teachers, traders, service holders etc. There are a high school, two primary schools, a madrasa, a post office and four mosques in our village. There is also a temple in our village.  There is a post office and bank in the village. They are situated at our village market. The daily market sits every day